"Watch out for The Illusionist! Tom Coverly is so good he will make your pet rabbits disappear."
- Jep & Jessica Robertson (A&E TV Show, Duck Dynasty)
Tom Coverly, a former youth pastor for 12 years, felt the call of God on his life to travel the world using comedy magic to share the Gospel. In the first year in 2007, God exploded the door open for Tom to speak in 38 states. He has now spoken & performed for over 5 million people sharing the hope found in Jesus Christ. To pat God on the back, we have witnessed over 75,000 people surrender their lives to Jesus Christ at our outreach events.
Book Tom to speak or host a comedy & illusion outreach show (LIVE ON STAGE) at YOUR church, youth conference, christian festival, retreat, camp, christian college, men or woman's conference. This show is great for an all-ages event, but can also be geared specifically for youth, teens, young adults, adults and families.
Tom entertains for the first portion of the show with tons of audience participation, laughter and mind-blowing illusions. At the end of the show, Tom transitions by stating, "everything you just saw is an illusion, now I want to share something that is reality and truth. I want to share how Jesus Christ changed my life."
No one ever feels "tricked" into coming to a magic show, because Tom simply shares his story. His prayer is that people will be more blown away by who Jesus is, than the magic tricks they just witnessed on stage. This is the perfect outreach event for young kids to grandma and grandpa. You never have to ask very hard for people to show up to a magic show. People love it. Churches spend a lot of time and recourses trying to reach their community to get the unchurched through their doors. We hear all the time from churches, "we wish we would had brought Tom Coverly to our church sooner."
We look forward to partnering with you to host Tom Coverly at your event.
$3500- this limited time special offer is only available to the first 25 churches that reserve their winter 2023/24 event date.
The show is a simple set up. We can make any size stage work. All we ask is that you provide adequate speaker/sound system, a handheld wireless mic or headset mic and food allowance for the Coverly's. A 50% deposit is due to lock in your event date and the remaining balance is due the day of the event. You can provide this as a free event for your community to attend or if you decide to have this as a ticketed event, you keep 100% of general admission ticket sales. Any events outside the continental USA do not include travel cost.
The comedy magic outreach show (show times can be adapted to fit your schedule up to 75 minutes.
Travel: Airfare & baggage fees for Tom & his wife or rental car
$1,500 + Love Offering + Hotel + Travel + Food Allowance -Bring Tom Coverly to your church on a Sunday night. The $1500 deposit locks in your event date, then the balance is a love offering for the evening family outreach show. Contact us for availability. This offer is limited to the first 25 churches that book Tom for 2023/24.
$3,500 - this rate includes one message + travel cost within the continental USA (airfare + baggage fees). Need Tom to speak more than one session for your event, conference, festival, retreat or camp? Only $249 for each additional message. These rates include one illusion per speaking session if needed. We ask for you to provide airport transportation + hotel + food allowance.
"Broken to Beautiful" . . . taken from Psalm 51, Tom challenges people to surrender their past, sins and mess-ups to Jesus. Through the Word, he encourages the audience on how God turns it all into something beautiful to be used to bring others to Christ. Tom uses a powerful and unforgettable illustration with a clay pot with this talk. Perfect message on surrender.
"Make a Choice" . . . based on James 4:4. Too many christians want both God and the World and are playing around with sin while trying to live for God. James 4 calls it spiritual adultery (cheating on God with the world). We must make a choice. Tom challenges and encourages thru his own personal story to how a friend while in Bible college and asked Tom to make this same choice; God or the world?!?
"GODmance" . . . GODmance is all about having a romance with Jesus and falling deeper in love with God. Tom has been writing this book for 8 years. Even though the book is not complete, Tom has been doing a speaking tour on this book and we have watched God use it in amazing ways.
"Purpose in Life" . . . Tom uses the story of Moses in Exodus. God asked Moses, "What's in your hand". Moses had all sorts of excuses not to be used of God. Tom challenges people to use their talents for the Lord. Tom uses his personal story of how he was challenged by a pastor friend to use his talents for Christ.
"Tell the World" . . . this message is a powerful look at Scripture and the urgency for us to share The Gospel with our friends and love ones. Tom uses a couple powerful illustrations that will drive home the point to how short life is and the urgency to be the light of Christ. Great message for an evangelism themed event.
"Time with God" . . . a powerful message about spending time with God. Tom takes a closer look on how important prayer and time spent in The Word is. to our daily lives. Tom uses a powerful illustration that hearers will never forget the rest of their lives.
"Purity" . . . this message is geared towards teens and/or parents. Tom challenges students from the Bible to live a life that is pure. Tom is great at making the Scriptures come to life as he challenges students to live a life that pleases Jesus. Perfect for purity conferences, breakout sessions and youth groups.
"Respect" . . . this message is geared towards teens and parents. Tom challenges students in regards to respecting themselves, others, parents, authority. This talk touches on the topics of bullying, eating disorders, cutting, suicide, self image. Tom encourages students with Scripture to how God sees them